Not a Raccoon but refreshing my hole.

Weekly Anime Post 185

Didnt watch anything this week either. :marseyitsover:


@Aevann pin pls

Weekly what are you watching #36

So what's everyone up to !kino !hatewatchers

@Aevann please pin :marseybegging:

Runts Power Ranking

Like our ancestors, I am of the opinion that candy should be a little bit gross to prevent you from getting used to convenient pleasures. While many classics like Good'N'Plenty and Jujubes stray too far into the realm of ick with little or no actual appeal, Runts are more of a treasure hunt. Like Jelly Belly jelly beans, a box contains something desirable peppered with little inedible turds to serve as reminders of life's difficulties, as well as a sort of speed bump for greedy fingers and fat spirits.

This is the runts power ranking, based on the box I just purchased.

>1. Banana

By itself it's one of the best semihard candies out there. Satisfyingly crunchy, but soft enough to confidently bite without worrying about chipping a tooth. Pro tip: you can buy them in bulk online and they're delicious in a bowl with chocolate chips :marseylickinglips:

>2. Red Heart/Strawberry

Solid on its own, delicious when combined with the banana

>3. Grape

Kind of weird but not too bad. Honestly I wouldn't eat these if they didn't come in the box, but I'm not going to throw them out either

>4. Green Heart/Lime/Apple/idk

These aren't good, but they're saved from the bottom slot by the existence of the orange. Avoid.

>5. Orange

Scary-hard and with a flavor apparently designed by sickos :marseysickos: who like the taste of chewable children's Motrin. This is one of the worst candies out there. Strong avoid. Don't eat them, just save them to throw at people

I hadn't thought about these things in years, but grocery chain Sprouts now sells knockoff Runts in their bulk bins and last week I bought a bag for probably the first time since I received a small packet in my Halloween candy from some scroogy neighbor who probably also passed out Dots. These come with even more flavors but imo the balance skews more towards things you actually want to eat.

>1. Banana

Return of the King

>2. Strawberry

It actually looks like a strawberry in this mix. Still runner up

>3. Peach?/Orange & Red Heart:

Overall very mild but pretty tasty. A good supporting player.

>4. Blue Ball

idk if these are supposed to be blueberry or what. The taste is a little more polarizing than the peach, but it's a decent-ish berry flavor that avoids invoking yogurt or the dreaded blue raspberry

>5. Lime/Green Golf Ball

Tastes kind of like a banana daiquiri when paired with the banana, but kind of gross and astringent on its own. Also these are scary hard and you probably shouldn't attempt to eat them if you have dental issues.

>6. Orange/Orange Golf Ball/Utz Cheese Ball

The worst of the worst. Tastes like an orange runt, but the candy itself is larger and harder. Avoid at all costs.

George RR Martin is opening a medieval themed hipster craft cocktail bar instead of writing Winds of Winter :marseymagdump:

!bookworms !chuds


EU shitter account lies so plainly and openly that everyone calls them out for it

God i hate being right :marseygiveup: I wish I could be wrong sometimes but instead I'm cursed with being right and innocent people have to die for it

As you might have heard, entire Christian and Alawite families and villages are being slaughtered in Syria right now, by le moderate rebels that the west and israel supported against d1cktator assad

but instead of being honest, the eu claims that the victims are actually the perpetrators??

meanwhile, there are countless accounts and images of random university students being slaughtered by le moderate rebels

the decadent disgusting jewropean union wants you to believe that these are the aggressors

and these are the dindu nuffins

compare the peaceful eu to the evil ruzzians :marseycricket:

meanwhile, netanyahu gets to rub his little hands while the usual cuckservative scum get to say :quote:oy vey look at those nasty brown people always killing each other:quote:

meanwhile, the "brown people":

the exact (((very same people))) who spent years crying assad must go, despite being warned that he's protecting his civilians from literal jihadists, now acting smug that literal jihadists are killing people

anyway, it's very sad

and I wish I was wrong, but here I am being right:

there's still time to be wrongabout this tho :marseybegging:

ALSO ik this post is a mess but there's also a huge contingent of people saying YOU CAN'T BLAM3 THE ZIONAZIS THIS TIME!! when uhhhh actually you can and should. jewlani is an Israeli asset, and netanyahu claims full responsibility for what's happening in Syria

jewlani jihadi forces also let Israel annex syrian land with literally no fight at all, meanwhile they have all the energy to kill innocent civilians :surejan:

Anyway it's a nice sunny day and I refuse to edit this post but death 2 Israel, death 2 the eu, death 2 turkiye, death 2 jihadists (but i repeat myself :marseysmug2:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Do my bone spurs seem like a joke to you? (20)

I mean I personally support mocking of trumps bone spurs, but it's comical coming from Biden supporters. Because Bidens asthma was so horrifically crippling that he checks notes had a collegiate athletic career that he has boasted about many, many, many times instead of serving. The 2020 election was literally 2 draft dodgers against each other.. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Huh, civilian sector is shipping in jobs from overseas, good luck. 5yrs ago we had 2 foreign visa workers, now its up to 15 and they are taking jobs such as "mechanic" and "electrician". Hope the vets don't need benefits if they wanna compete with cheap foreign labor (7)

Next step. End all H1B visas and prevent them ever coming back (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

This is not a binary issue, Poor meme. (2)

It is, of you support veterans then you would be against cutting their benefits and firing them with no notice. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Iirc, on a YT vid interviewing Ukrainians, the same people who support MAGA said that the young Ukrainians interviewed should go to the frontlines to support their country instead of pursuing Education! I don't see these MAGA oldies enlisting when the U.S is in turmoil. It's stupid. They hide and cower from the safety of the U.S, spouting patriotism and the duty to ones country while Ukrainians and American volunteers/veterans are in Ukraine fighting on the front. They (MAGA) were born in a priviledged country with a government that holds their military personnel accountable. They were born in a country of stability, and prosperity. They were born in a solid government with authorities rooting out corruption. I'm infuriated that they spout shit from within the walls and shield of the U.S. I'm infuriated that they spout utter shit when they haven't lost their country. I'm infuriated that they want Ukraine to surrender in order to ensue peace when they never had their country hopeless... (0)

Here's an idea from someone who has served. If your scared of a threat be prepared to fight it. I'm sorry you lost ground, I'm more sorry you've lost people, I've lost people too. My family fled from persecution to build a life in a land prepared to fight tyranny, my family's homes were torched and they were slaughtered. Now my family proudly serves and works to not let tyrants topple us. The lesson is it is not the fault of others for your loss, you need to make yourself better. Ukraine has fought bravely and has made fools of Russia, but I'm not going over there to help you, it isn't the world's fault you didn't say frick you to the world and build the country into an impenetrable bastion. If you could never win without help then flee and be safe, don't cling to some petty moral high ground of this is my home. My family lost it's home and is going strong, you could suffer the same.I'm sorry we didn't uphold our treaty and bomb Russia when they attacked you though, it'd be dishonest... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

My issue with gutting the VA is for like you said the people who suffer in silence. They're gonna suffer even more with yet more cuts for the VA. I've only heard bad things about the VA but I think it comes down to a procedural issue not personnel. Personnel cuts are just gonna turn those problems to 11 (1)

they already are suffering. its time for new solutions. if the va was a broken coffee mug we would spend money and get a new one not pour more coffee into it and complain why people arent happy that a bit of coffee is still in the cracked pieces. the rest of the coffee is already on the floor and theres new pots waiting to be poured. sometimes when people arent willing or able to fix things or they are beyond economic repair they need to be replaced before the catastrophically fail. its already a failure, its getting worse daily. it needs to get gutted and rebuilt with efficiency and funding or we have to build something else before this one collapses even further. i believe that both of us want the same end result but not everyone is willing to spill some blood for the greater good. people will get cut, funding has to be reorganized. this is why i hate how congress wants to always loop everything into one spending bill so you dont see how much money is going into which programs. th... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Iirc, on a YT vid interviewing Ukrainians, the same people who support MAGA said that the young Ukrainians interviewed should go to the frontlines to support their country instead of pursuing Education! I don't see these MAGA oldies enlisting when the U.S is in turmoil. It's stupid. They hide and cower from the safety of the U.S, spouting patriotism and the duty to ones country while Ukrainians and American volunteers/veterans are in Ukraine fighting on the front. They (MAGA) were born in a priviledged country with a government that holds their military personnel accountable. They were born in a country of stability, and prosperity. They were born in a solid government with authorities rooting out corruption. I'm infuriated that they spout shit from within the walls and shield of the U.S. I'm infuriated that they spout utter shit when they haven't lost their country. I'm infuriated that they want Ukraine to surrender in order to ensue peace when they never had their country hopeless... (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ProfessorMemeology-ModTeam

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 25

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

This meme :marseysoypoint: but its true :marseyserioushatfact: :marseycheckmate: :pursedlipstradwife:
Poopjeet takes an online IQ test and treats it very seriously



"Hey Kamala, GAZA is speaking now b-word" tweet being reposted by libs for the 4829382 time

Columbia sub now has Jannies on guard CLEANING IT UP :marseyjannygenocide:

Ian Miles Cheong posted a low quality "historical costume" and people are gassing him up


girl your lips are so cute!

I hope this isn't creepy but your lips and skin are beautiful, you are just super pretty

The red hair looks great on you

!fashion rate the fit

I found the most pathetic sub: /r/HSP, a subreddit for "highly sensitive people"


Holy crap what a gold-mine. A group of people with so little resilience they formed it into an identity and congregate in the same place. This is REAL.

From the sidebar:

>The concept of HSP was developed by Dr. Elaine Aaron based on her studies described in her book 'The Highly Sensitive Person'. You can learn more at, but the Cliff Notes version of her theory is that for packs of mammals to survive, they developed a macro-evolution where 15% of the pack members have a highly sensitive nervous system and the other 85% not so sensitive. The is the proposed 'ideal' ratio for pack survival, such that if you have too few sensitives, then the pack will figurative plow forward off a cliff like (stereotypical) lemmings, while having too many sensitives means the pack may accomplish very little.

Sounds like bullshit.

Some highlights:

>Title: Why am I treated so negatively all the time ? OP: /u/buttercupp888

>Today I went to a store with my sister and both my sister and I wanted to pay separately, so I let my sister line up first . The lady at the cash register was super sweet to her asked about her day, made her feel welcomed and called her a "sweetheart" . When it was my turn I thought I'd get the same interaction and I smiled and said hello ☺️ just being extremely polite and the lady with a horrible attitude said " want a bag ? Here " and I kindly said "yes of course may I get 2" . Not even joking she rolls her eyes and gives me my change . Felt like such a slap in the face .... ?¿

Imagine a wagie having this much power of you.

>Title: I'm a HSP and I get harassed daily⚠️Trigger Warning OP: deleted

A self-confessed lolcow vagueposts.

>I have no defenses. Everyone sees me as a "lolcow" and an easy target for bullying and harassment. I have to deal with this all day every day, I'm barely functioning anymore. I can't do this. I can't do this for months to come. This is all I'm known for

In the comments, OP doesn't find the standard /r/HSP hugbox and argues with commenters, downmarseyd massively.

>If you argue with people, they will argue with you. Is that what you want?

>OP: People provoke me and try to start arguments even when I try to be normal…

>What does normal mean to you?

>OP: Like being nice to people. I commented on /r/gaming that i was looking forward to a game and someone commenting "not trying to start arguments huh?"

...revealing that inciting incident for his post was a mean comment on /r/gaming.

In the above link, OP's (/u/Immediate-Panda-4555) wondering is highly sensitive people can attend orgies safely. Imagine making a HSP cry at the orgy because he perceives you preferring to eat someone else's butt over his.

OP (/u/curiositycat96) states that being a HSP is a reason for his NEET-hood

>Sometimes I just feel so sensitive, overwhelmed and stressed so easily from work. Really any job I've had but some have been worse than others. I'm only 28 and I feel so exhausted and burned out from having to continue being strong, sucking it up, and doing things that suck the life out of me. Is it being HSP, just not made for "traditional" or mental illness?

Here we a redditor bingo. Self-identified "highly gifted child". OP (/u/Kodicave) theorises that they're not actually highly-sensitive, but instead just better at noticing patterns than others.

>I think people don't realize their "attitudes" are completely visible. We can feel when someone is being condescending. We can see the tone in someone's text when they are secretly making fun of you. the looks your fremenies gives to each other when you arrive

Some of these posts border on /r/gangstalking levels of conspiracy and delusion, in terms of their shared belief that everyone in the world is seeking to harm their delicate sensibilities.

Absolutely useless loser of an OP (/u/daisyfloweruwu) is traumatised because they failed their driving test six times (lol)

>Whenever I came back home after a driving test, I couldn't stop crying. Literally, I was crying for long hours and I didn't get out of bed for the rest of the day. Also, my mood was broken for the next few days. I felt so down and humiliated

My parents want me to try again, but I will rather be dead than try again. All I see is the examination center just showing you that you're a piece of shit, not a human.

More driving test drama:

>I truly think driving instructors are some of the most miserable people. My driving instructor was super chill but he just seemed so nonchalant and blah. I was 16yo nearly leaping up and down when he told me I passed and yet he just stared at me so awkwardly that it stole my joy and I got kinda sunken and serious.

Oh my fricking god these people are so incredibly useless - if the evil driving instructor is not actively harassing and attacking them, then the issue is that they don't immediately scream with joy when they pass. This poster is an adult but they're still seething years later simply because a driving examiner wasn't excited enough for them when they passed.

Anyway, if you search the sub by key word you can find these highly sensitive specimens seething about a social slight in almost any situation.

I can't believe I've discovered a group of people so ripe for gay ops and bullying.

remember when Mike Myers wearing a fat suit was the height of comedy

it was a simpler time


Then I found out the floor pan is leaking to the basement. No biggie. I'll just cut it out a few inches up and do a new pan.

Then I started cutting and kept finding wet plaster. So I cut higher.

And higher.

Still wet.

I have a foot to go until I reach the ceiling.

I don't mind the work, but I have to leave for Kentucky at the end of the week and have a bunch to get ready for that. I'm basically going to have to demo his whole shower then leave it like that for two weeks before I can finish it.



/u/DapperSwordfish5190 posted to /r/vegas: "Things I like about Cosmopolitan Vegas. lol a few pictures…..(scroll)". They included this album:

You might assume that OP is 17 years old but you'd be wrong, he's just a stupendously dumb adult who gambles "ALOT" (sic). Let's look at some of his posts and comments:

"hey guys did anyone else know that there's actually UFC in Vegas tonight?" :marseyclueless:

(He's posted this multiple times to multiple subreddits)

What did he think was going to be in a large tower in Vegas?

Is this even a standalone tub? It's attached to the wall.

"What do you eat in a day" but with 50 more words

I don't know where this guy got the money to spend almost all of his time gambling and staying in comped Vegas hotel rooms.

The week long meltdown of /r/CAStateWorkers

We've been blessed with two months of meltdowns from the feds (and former feds :marseysike:) all over reddit, twitter etc.

But did you know that's there's another group of government employees melting down :marseyrage:?

California government employees have been freaking out... not over being laid off or being asked to quit, but from something much more horrible.... Coming into the office 4 days a week :#marseyscream: :#marseyeyelidpulling:

Gavin Newsom issued an executive order stating that they need to be in the office 4 days as week, up from 2 currently, by July.

Naturally, there have been many theories about why this terrible news has come to pass.

Theory 1: Newsom is in cahoots with realstate owners and local businesses to boost the value of downtown Sacramento (probably true)

Theory 2: Newsom is positioning himself as blue DOGE in order to help his 2028 presidential ambitions.

The last theory: that perhaps they were not very efficient while working at home has not been entertained.

Really the entire sub has been good, but here are some choice threads: :#marseywomanmoment:

the one person in the thread with a brain points out how this makes them look

The most significant argument I've encountered from management is that employees use telework to care for their children during work hours. I'm concerned that your emphasis on this issue will reinforce their existing concerns. :#marseyraging: :#marseygossip:

I'm going back to the hospital for a week in the morning

I'm going back to the hospital tomorrow and I don't wanna :marseyrain: . For a week this time (I got super AIDS from eating some bad kitty). I'm planning to sneedmanmaxx some benzos so the ambulance ride goes well.

Someone post in /h/videos if I don't get around to it please, if the hole expires I'll have to issue a fatwa on Aevann.

Also DM me your armpits.

Reported by:
  • WayOut : I just want a woman to piss in my face and pretend it's because my peepee was so big. Is that so much to ask?
  • usernaw : women biology :marseypuke:
Squirt-believers are just as delusional as most paraphiliacs


We have mapped the human cell atlas. We know the human body. We know where all the organs are. Incredibly enough, there have also been studies done of "squirting", and what this mysterious fluid consists of. To no one's surprise, it's pee. There is no magical girlcum-bladder

But anecdotal evidence trumps all this. Apparently that time your girlfriend pissed on you it didn't taste like pee, so of course there has to be a magical squirt organ hidden somewhere deep inside. This exists solely in the realm of sexual fantasy. And it's such a deeply held belief squirt-truthers will act indignant and react with anger if you confront them with the facts, you've just gone against their core beliefs.

It's very similar to the trans-substantiation that another group of people with deeply held beliefs asserts happens when they claim they are the opposite s*x. If you're a squirt-truther, you probably won't want to admit this

Lotta piss drinkers in there

avg femcel experience
:marseyhandmaid: Women's complaint protest :!marseytalk:


Womenfolx in r*pe fetishist outfits upset the Fort Worth chuds.


Democrats surrendered the women of Afghanistan to the Taliban. How can they ever pretend to support women's rights?

I don't think the people in this march "surrendered the women of Afghanistan". I'm guessing you consume a lot of right-wing media, in which case it may surprise you to learn that Donald Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban that removed US security forces from Afghanistan. It's called the Doha Agreement. And no, you didn't misread that, he signed an agreement with the Taliban, yet another of his esteemed allies.

But I am glad to know that women losing their rights bothers you. It bothers me too what is happening in Afghanistan. We'd better march and make our voices heard so that it doesn't happen here!

I also see you support all the other things right-wing media tells you too. Which means you support what Russian troops are doing to Ukrainian women. Next time you need to look at a hypocrite, try selfie-mode instead of reddit, could save you some time.

It may surprise you to learn that Donald Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban that included conditions for withdrawal. The Taliban met those conditions while Trump was president. They then stopped meeting those conditions after Biden was elected. And Biden withdrew anyway. It was because of this sudden and abrupt withdrawal that the forces we had trained in Afghanistan were completely unable to resist the Taliban who quickly regained control.

And, no, I don't support what Russia is doing in Ukraine as a result of Obama and Biden pushing NATO eastward and installing missile systems closer and closer to the Russian border. I am hopeful that an end can come to the conflict now that the free world has a leader again.

How's that kool-aid taste? Good I hope


They look exactly how you would expect

How so?

Ummm, like they do in the pictures, obvi.


I love the last one.

Me, too! Every time some chauvinist spouts off around me, I'm going to smile and say, "S.D.E." It's going to be glorious!!

Stunning and brave




All the protesters, it's OK when democrats protest, but when Republicans do it, it's bad.

Obvious troll is obvious, but...the only time anyone has been upset about conservatives "protesting" is when they were running through the capitol building, threatening to lynch the vice president, shooting cops, stealing stuff, and doing incredibly mature things like pooping on Nancy Pelosi's desk.

This is lawful peaceful protest in support of human rights. What have you guys been protesting for?

Nobody shot a cop during January 6th. The only person shot was a 35 year old woman breaching one of the doors, and she died.

Ashli Babbitt knowingly breached doors barred by armed officers. No one deserves to die, and it's a shame what happened to her, but if you act in violence, you should know what the consequences can be.

If I arm up with a mob and attack people, I would know there's a potential for me to be killed. It's part of why a lot of people haven't acted, out of fear of imprisonment, ostrasization, dying...because who talks more violent ish than conservatives? Who drives around with bumper stickers threatening to kill those that disagree with them? I'll tell you, it's not generally us liberal snowflakes. I want people to coexist. To try and understand one another. Exercise empathy. But I'm willing to stand by my principles and protect those I care about.

I'm sad that my schedule hasn't allowed me to join one of these protests, and I believe fully that we need larger scale events for true impact, but I appreciate every single protester and their conviction to stand up for what they believe in, and I have hope that the people continue to speak up for all of our rights, yours included.


I was addressing the 'shooting cops' comment you made, and only that point. Ashli put herself in that position unfortunately


Go make me a sandwich

Get up and fix that plumbing.

That's not insulting. I fixed some plumbing yesterday.

Congratulations and I wasn't talking to you.

I'm sure this prime example of masculinity can stand up for himself.

I don't care who you were talking to. I'm talking to you, bud. Just pointing out that you're insulted by "go make me a sandwich" and tried to make an equivalent insult, only it's not an insult. 👍🏻😎

How is go make me a sandwich an insult then? Bud.

Seriously? That's a common "you're a woman" insult. What are you doing out of the kitchen, why is the dishwasher talking etc. look, I'm not going to argue with you. I'm really not trying to be rude. Look at the dislikes on his comment…they didn't like it lol.

So let me ask, why did you retort with "go fix some plumbing?"

The same reason he asked for a sandwich. It's not that deep.

Haha you're so hurt. Why don't you go make me a sandwich.

Why don't you unclog my potty welfare queen.

That was weak. You can do better than that.

You don't deserve better.

That's more like it 👍🏻


Great, so what is a woman?

Who knows? I'm not a biologist.


Look at those women trying to get rid of every shred of responsibility possible


I just find it odd how these women are claiming men are infringing on their rights, yet support men who infringe on their right to sports, jobs, and titles that belonged to women.

What are you even talking about lmao

Those scary trans people. You know, the group that makes up less than 1% of our total population of over 350 million people. Surely they're coming to take over /s

Always such on odd framing. We weren't the ones that started putting the <1% in women's spaces, y'all did that. The left insisted on these things, the left started this argument.

No one put "[them] in women's spaces". Trans people exist and should be respected like everyone else. If a coworker or friend or employee told me they were trans, I would do everything in my power to ensure they were included the way they deserved to be, and treated with equal and fair treatment to EVERYONE else, yourself included, even as hateful as you are.

The odd framing here is your own. LGBTQ+ people have existed as long as humans have existed. It's a part of human gender and sexuality. No one let anyone in anywhere. And maybe the left DID start the argument that...everyone should have the same rights and opportunities? Arguing against basic equality and human rights is not the high horse you think it is. You don't need to be "greater" than someone else to be a good person.

I didn't say that don't deserve respect or deny their existence. I am saying men, all men, shouldn't be allowed into Women's spaces. That is equal, that is fair.

What isn't equality is making women's spaces unsafe for women. Allowing men into women's bathrooms and sports does exactly that.

If someone is trans male to female, they are a woman. I have no discomfort with a trans woman in the restroom with me. I have no issue with a trans woman in my space, in the places I occupy. You are too caught up on gender assigned at birth. A person who is trans is not a woman or man choosing or pretending to be the other gender just because they can, or because they want to take something from someone else...they are people born in the wrong body for them.

I really think people need classes on this stuff. It would help, I think.

A man can never become a woman. I fundamentally reject that premise and refuse to play along with your delusion. Men can profess themselves to be "women," and they have every right to self-identify however they choose. But that does not mean the rest of us have to agree with them or treat them like women, such as by allowing them free access to traditionally women-only spaces.



No one asked you to click lil bro


Democrats are a death cult and abortion is their religious sacrament. CMV.


This is hilarious I would of gone and laughed

The quality of these protests has gone way down. It's almost like these groups lost their funding.


Why aren't they in the kitchen?

Doubt they can even cook probably might hit up the nearest Golden Corral after this


Last photo is guts. Homie does not touch any vag not does he look like hes genuinely interested in engaging in said activities. Hes the wrong one to hold the sign that says "small peepee energy".

Maybe he has a lot of female friends.


I don't think any of the people in these photos are in danger of becoming pregnant, but facts might've changed again 🤷🏼‍♀️

I'm a little too old to worry about getting pregnant, but unlike a lot of my younger sisters, I'm financially secure and well-established in my career, so I can take off work and protest for their rights. Unlike you MAGA bootlickers, some of us care enough about others and about society as a whole to make a stand over issues that may not even benefit us directly.

Except for the babies cut their spines, crush their heads, and dismember them. Doesn't seem like caring when people are supporting that kind of medical treatment.


Look a lot like female version of neckbeards. Need to mix in some salads but at least they were on their feet for a few minutes so that was beneficial.

They could use the walking


It reminds me of the meme of only the XXL size handmade's tale outfits being out of stock. Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

What's the joke?

Just think for a couple seconds and I think you'll find it

Oh so you got nothing.

Not surprising.

Okay I'll explain it for you. The most common women believing that they're essentially being turned into s*x machines/slaves are the very obese. I hope that makes sense to you.


I served in the military to protect their right to present their ideas. Doesn't mean I have to pay them any attention. The finest women that I've met from different parts of the world have the same thing in common. They have a high level of self-respect and determination to succeed. They usually do. Like in most situations, people that spend more time marching and less time being productive remain in a causal loop of ineffective failure.

This is such a small thing to say. You say you served in the military? Good for you, but how much did you ACTUALLY protect? That statement would hold some salt if you actually went to battle for these women and while I don't know your military record, I don't need to in order to establish the fact that every conflict since Vietnam has had nothing to do with protecting our rights as citizens. So get off your high horse. The whole point of a protest is when no one is listening, you make them listen. Peaceful civil disobedience such as a march can lead to change by organizing like minded people for said change. Dafuq you think those civil rights marches in the 60's were about? Fun?


This is no different than MAGA thinking people are gonna go door to door for your guns


Omg! I almost went there today in my Handmaid costume! Praise be 🙏🏻


Have you ever meet people who refuse to emulate old games because of viruses? :marseysmoothbrain:

I've meet a couple, and it crazy because all you have to do is not click the fake download button, and even if you do it's pretty easy to delete malware. One was even into digital art, like how can you do digital art but yet not know how to manage downloads and files on the internet

If you are under the age of 50 and don't understand how to not get viruses it's over for you. I swear they are like the young equivalent of boomers who think you need an anti-virus for a computer to function.

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  • Chudlite : Women don't understand science
Foid attempts to dissect the allure of Richard Feynman :marseyfeynman: Reads every one of his books. Goes insane and rants for 3 hours.
Amazon to make next james bond Indian


Amazon is committed to keeping the spirit of Bond alive and that means he has to be British or from the Commonwealth – and he has to be male.

:marseytunaktunak: Need I remind you bond, there is 200$ of taxpayer money riding on these google play giftcards

I'm having a real neighbor moment right now
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